Project Management Software
Building a home can be a difficult task for everyone involved, not just home owners. There are numerous details to track from material tracking, purchase orders, finish selections, and many design details that seem minor to a contractor but are extremely important to a home owner. Building or renovating a home is by far one of the most expensive purchases a person will make in their life, which is why we work hard to ensure the home building process is as smooth and enjoyable as can be. This is why we invest in project management software called Co-construct to help manage the many details in home construction for the home owner, the trades, suppliers, and even ourselves. It is by no means a silver bullet in removing headaches from construction, but by containing and organizing information on projects, it reduces the amount of filing and paperwork typically required on a job. Here’s 5 reasons why using Co-construct with Tucker Homes makes for a better building experience.
1. Communication
You no longer have emails, texts, or phone calls to record with all of the details discussed on the many elements of your project. With Co-construct, all of the communication between clients, trades, and the builder is recorded in one location. Whether you’re looking at a Change Order, a To-Do item, or the schedule, there is always a section to record messages between partners specific to that item. One of the other great features is it’s notifications, so even if you aren’t going to be logging in to Co-construct all of the time, you can set it up so that it notifies you of new messages or changes via text or email, you can reply directly to that text or email, and your response is recorded on the same message thread on Co-construct.
2. Specifications
A home is essentially thousands of pieces of material all assembled together into one unit. On top of that, there are many different way to construct certain pieces of a home that it can be daunting to record all of the information in detail and remember it all. In Co-construct, the construct specifications recorded in your estimate can be automatically turned into a specification addendum to your contract, complete with finishing allowances. No more confusion as notes and specifications get transferred from one document to the next, your specifications are what the builder sees everyday, and it’s the same as what the trade partners and carpenters see when they look up details on-site.
3. Selection Management
Again, a home has thousands of pieces, in a custom home build or renovation, you don’t just have 2-3 cabinet choices, you have thousands of different selections that can be made. Each finishing item can be tailored to fit your every desire, but this makes for a lot of information to track. As a client using Co-construct, your main page will be tracking your selections for finishing. The builder will input your allowance amount and when the selection needs to be made by, and Co-construct will keep you posted on when those selections need to be made. It’s easy for the builder to upload quotes, or plans, or details into the selections, once you review and approve, every using Co-construct knows that selection has been made and it’s now recorded for all builders and trade partners to see.
4. Job Reporting and File Storage
Most home owners won’t be on-site for their home building project as they have to move out for their major renovation, or just won’t be living in an unfinished home. In some cases, we’ve worked with clients who aren’t in the same town, province, or even the same country. By having the project manager and site supervisor report in a daily log, home owners can keep track of what’s going on during the course of construction. Photos can be uploaded, drawings can be stored in the plan room, quotes can be stored, all of the information needed is there for a home owner to know what’s going on, whether they can be there or not.
5. Close-Out and Warranty
Walking through the home at substantial completion is usually a long process, especially for quality custom home builders who have to take note of every little mark in the paint or minor deficiency that property developers don’t consider an issue for delivery. Using Co-construct, we can track every deficiency with a photo, description, an assigning the task to a trade partner or builder employee right on the spot. Instant notifications makes everyone aware of what needs to be corrected and by what day. The punch out list gets done fast. And the final cherry on top for homeowners, keep their Co-construct login information to access all of their home building information whenever they need to, or make a warranty claim.
Using project management software like Co-construct is just another one of the benefits of building with Tucker Homes that adds that level of comfort and trust to a process that can be life a roller-coaster with your emotions. If you want to learn more about Co-Construct, check out the short video here.